We have many National Trusts, English Heritage, and privately owned to visit.
Take a short car ride to the magnificent Chatsworth House, gardens, and farm shop, home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire.
Include a visit to Calke Abbey or explore Kedleston, a celebration of architecture, paintings, and sculpture, home to the Curzon family. Hardwick is an imposing house which contains a collection of objects and textiles. Outside, you can visit the stumpery, herbaceous borders and herb-scented gardens. On the estate, Stainsby Mill is a fully operational Victorian flour mill. Sudbury Hall and the Museum of Childhood offer two things at one location: the Hall which is famous for its long galleries exuberant plasterwork and Grinling Gibbons woodcarving and the toy museum. Outside offers trails wildlife spotting and family crafts. National Trust properties are all well and worthwhile to visit. Why not try Haddon Hall, Tutbury Castle, or Renishaw Hall?